FLT Course Descriptions

FLT 001 - What Lutherans Believe and Why

This foundational course will introduce participants to the heritage, doctrine, and practices of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in order to help them align their administration or teaching in ways that are consistent with LCMS theology and practice.

FLT 002 - Jesus Through the Bible

In this course, participants will learn about or review key Biblical themes and discuss ways to use Scripture as the foundation for teaching about God our who rules and reigns as Creator and Redeemer. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on and make connections to Scripture as the ultimate authority regarding what we believe and teach in LCMS schools.

FLT 003 - Teaching the Faith

This course will concentrate its activities and readings around mission-oriented education and equipping participants for effective Bible teaching. Topics include a Lutheran perspective on education, the art of teaching using Law and Gospel, an exploration of learning styles, and the evaluation and use of curricula.

FLT 004 - Spiritual Development of Students

This course will explore how children form and nurture their spiritual beliefs by examining the cognitive, social, and emotional factors which influence faith formation as they move through different developmental stages. Participants will consider how to appropriately introduce religious concepts and practices to children based on their age and ability to grasp abstract ideas

FLT 005 - Spiritual Wellness and The Educator

This course directs participants toward personal spiritual habits and spiritual leadership development. Faith nurturing experiences will focus on regularly using the Scriptures, sabbath, sacraments, prayer, meditation, service, corporate activities, and mentoring.